We never saw THIS is “War For the Planet of the Apes!” Cute!

Since I was rehearsing Rare Earth’s “I Just Want to Celebrate” for our Sunday evening church service, it’s been stuck in my head all week. Great tune!

Wednesday the 1st – DOG ZIT! – It sure felt nice sleeping until 4! My pal Brittney Powell came over and we had a nice, brisk walk over to DuPar’s for dinner. Then we walked over to Kinko’s to pick up an Andy Kaufman poster I had mounted on foam core for the new design for my main Andy Kaufman exhibit. Then we walked back to my house and did some work. As I was resting and petting Roxy on the head, I felt something crusty at the base of her skull. I shined some light on it and a cyst she had there had broken open. It looked gross, and I got concerned. I put some hydrogen peroxide on it and tried to clean it as best I could. But I could tell by Roxy’s demeanor that it was sensitive. I considered going to the all-night vet in the area, but settled on taking her in first thing Thursday. I recorded a few auditions, boxed up some items to mail, typed out a VERY late Wally’s Week, and then paid some bills. I hit the hay so I could be up early for a REALLY cool Disney call-back audition.

Thursday the 2nd – IF YOU IN-CYST! – Right around 9:30 I got up for a VERY important Disney call-back audition at Igloo studios in Burbank. It was a blast and it was fun working with Brian, Daniel, and the gang of folks from Florida who were piped in on Skype. We laughed…a LOT! When I finished up I hit the post office, checked my box for packages, and then headed home to put Roxy in the car and take her to the vet. Dr. Lopez didn’t seem too alarmed by the fact that the cyst had broken open. He diagnosed it a week ago as just a fatty cyst and nothing to worry about. He took a small biopsy of it last week and lanced it. He said not to put anything on it, and just to let it dry and scab naturally. They shaved a quarter-sized area around the cyst, and when they brought her back to me it was all cleaned up. But it looked like a bloody hole. Poor girl. 9 years old and she has zits! I went back home to rest for a bit, and then headed to mid-LA for a very important meeting. It went very well, and then I had the long drive home in the famous L.A. afternoon traffic. I napped for a bit when I got home, and then Sara came over to do some work. I recorded my auditions, went to Denny’s to get some food to go, and watched another episode of “The Outer Limits.”

Friday the 3rd – STOGIE COMMEMORATION! – My maids arrived soon after I awoke at 1. After they left I decided to do some auditions, but it was too noisy outside. Between the noise of the planes flying overhead, noisy neighbors, leaf blowers, and dogs barking, I decided I’d let it slide until later that night. I worked around the house all afternoon, and later in the evening I grabbed a short nap. When I got up to walk Roxy under a full moon, I felt like having a cigar. So I did. When I got back inside I realized that it was the first “anniversary” of my friend Fred Westbrook’s passing. He loved to smoke cigars by his pool. That must’ve been why I had the urge to enjoy a cigar…in his honor. When I got back inside I undertook the arduous task of cleaning off my filthy desk and paying bills. Then I rewarded myself with a Chef Boy Ardee Pizza-in-a-box and watched another episode of “The Outer Limits.”

Saturday the 4th – AUTOHARP AUDIENCE! – Late in the afternoon I went to my mailbox to pick up some packages; which included a deep red velvet curtain that I’ll be using in my revitalized Andy Kaufman display. I got a few grocery items for that evening’s movie night, and then went home to put them away. My pal Dr. Alan Cowen called up to see if I was home and if he could come by early for movie night. He brought with him his autoharp, which he originally purchased for 20 bucks, but spent hundreds refurbishing. He played a few numbers and he was actually quite good! He was too humble to admit that he was very adept at playing it, but I was quite impressed! I asked him to play a few numbers later that night at movie night. He hesitated, but I insisted. And he did a great job! Everyone really enjoyed his songs. I remember the autoharp our teacher used to use in elementary school for music class. When movie night was over, and my guests had left, I took a short nap on the couch. When I got up I spent all night working around the house. I also set all the clocks back to standard time. By now I’m sure you know how I feel about the whole Daylight Saving Time (there oughtta be a law against it!) but it must be done. But still, I think it’s a stupid, useless idea that needs to be scrapped. I rehearsed the song “I Just Want To Celebrate,” a tune I’d be singing the next evening at church, and printed out the lyrics for the rest of the band. I made my traditional Saturday Super Salad and watched “Saturday Night Live” episode 4.

Sunday the 5th – NOTHING TO CELEBRATE! – When I woke up and signed on the computer I read the horrible news about the shooting in Texas at a church. Immediately I felt that the song “I Just Want to Celebrate (Another Day of Living)” might be inappropriate for our service that night. I walked Roxy to church convinced that I would try and dissuade the band from doing that song tonight. But when I arrived early to rehearse, there were some new folks in the band I didn’t know. Apparently they didn’t get the memo that I’d be singing, so it all worked out. We’ll save the song for another day. It was a great service. And a young lad named Carter spent almost the entire service lying on the floor with Roxy; at one point even using her as his own personal dog pillow. It was really cute watching them together. I walked home, did a little work around the house, and then napped on the couch for a bit. I got up later to record my auditions (a few of them included singing) and then fed the pets. I walked Roxy on our late night stroll through the neighborhood and saw my breath! Winter is coming! I made hot stew and garlic bread and went to bed to watch another “Outer Limits” episode.

And how was YOUR week??!!



Here’s young Carter and Roxy bonding at church.

The Southwest Florida Eaglecam is back in business, and it looks like Harriet and M15 are prepping the nest for some new little ones! Keep an eye on the fun here… https://www.dickpritchettrealestate.com/eagle-feed.html

Remember these yummy gums from yesteryear?