I was putting stuff away in storage and discovered a few figures from “Van Helsing.” I like that film for its goofy fun, but the figures were no longer relevant to my display. But just before I stashed them away I noticed something strange. Who knew Anna Velarious and Franky had a thing going all this time??? They seem awfully cozy!

While watching an intense episode of “Magnum, p.I.” recently, that had Magnum tracking down a psycho killer who was obsessed with him, the producers effectively utilized this song by Genesis as underscore to the tension of the climactic scenes. It’s an amazing song and I’m not sure why it’s never been on my radar before. This is called “Mama,” and if you want to watch the “Magnum” episode I fully encourage you to do so. It’s called “Death and Taxes” and is amazing!

Monday the 30th – WHERE’S THE BEEF?! – The first order of the morning was an audition at McCoy studios in North Hollywood for 7-11.  Then I stopped by Fed Ex to send a package to an artist in Palm Springs whom I met recently at the Thursday night Street fair.  She makes custom belt buckles out of all kinds of stuff. She buys metal blanks that have an oval ridge around the buckle, but the rest of the buckle is inset. That way you can put anything in the inset and then coat if with a clear epoxy resin.  I sent her some spent bullet casings in .357, 9mm and .38 special so she could craft a custom buckle for me.  I hit my mailbox to pick up some things and then stopped by McDonald’s to grab a fast cheeseburger.  But as I got down the road the cheeseburger tasted awfully strange.  I opened the bun and there was no meat!  Just cheese and dressings.  I made an emergency Bat-Turn and headed back to get my meat!  Apparently I had gotten somebody else’s order; someone who had requested no meat.  Boy are THEY going to be surprised when they bite into MY cheeseburger!!  I got home and cleaned out the Dodge Journey that I rented for my Palm Springs trip.  I did a few auditions and some voice tracks for Go 96.3 in Minneapolis.  Shaun the Carpet Guy and his son came by to replace some worn padding in the living room.  I vacuumed the SUV and returned it to Enterprise.  I walked over to Studiopolis to pick up a check and then I went back home to write Wally’s Week and do some work.  I did some more auditions and then met with my pals Jasmine and Sara for dinner at Jerry’s Famous Deli.  I grabbed a quick nap on the couch and when I awoke, I did some work around the house. I made a salad and watched a “Magnum, p.i.” episode before bed.

Tuesday the 31st – BIKING TO SEE AN OLD FRIEND! – It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a bike ride. So I took full advantage and rode to Studiopolis in Burbank to do voices on a Marvel project.  And in this project I got to revisit my old pal…Dr. Hank Pym!  What fun! I had a nice ride back home, handled some e-mails and then took a dip in the Jacuzzi to loosen up my leg muscles from the 10 mile ride.  I finished up my auditions, did some more work around the house and then napped for a bit.  When I woke up I worked on my speech for the upcoming South Dakota Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony on April 18th.  I found some cool “midnight purple” suede Beatle boots on-line and ordered them from the UK, with the guarantee that they’d be here in time for my trip to South Dakota for the induction ceremony.  I hit the hay to be up for an early session, but not before making a pizza and watching another “Magnum, p.i.” episode!

Wednesday the 1st – ANTS, AMAZON, A/V & ANDREA! – Back I went to Studiopolis Burbank (this time without the bike) to do Hank Pym in ANOTHER Marvel project.  I guess with the upcoming Ant Man movie coming out the emphasis is back on Hank Pym for some of their other projects.  I talked cars with the producer, as his dad has been a legendary car customizer in LA for decades.  Unfortunately I didn’t have the Torino with me that day.  I stopped by my mailbox again and got a huge package from Amazon I didn’t order. Inside was a bunch of stuff I would never use.  It had to be some sort of mistake. Was it an April Fool’s joke of some kind? When I got home I let my A/V guys in to fix a programming error in the remote for my upstairs entertainment system.  While they worked away I chatted on-line with somebody from Amazon about the errant shipment.  Apparently it was sent to me by accident so there was not charge for it. I asked if I could return it and they said because it was grocery items, it wasn’t legally allowed. So they said to keep it.  Weird!  I printed some scripts for a Voice-Over class I would be taking that night, and I prepped my audition with them.   Andrea Romano is a legendary Voice Director and since she’s announced her retirement in a few years, I wanted to take this class to hear her views on the industry.  I haven’t gotten to work with her much because she casts a lot of TV actors for her roles, but what she had to say was interesting. And the class was fabulous.  I hope I get to work with her in some capacity before she retires completely.  I came home and did a little work and then grabbed a nap.  I got up to do my auditions, work on my speech some more, and change my room reservations for my South Dakota trip.  I had planned on staying at the hotel I usually stay at when I’m visiting in Sioux Falls, but once I saw the schedule of events for the Hall of Fame festivities I knew I needed to stay at the hotel that was hosting the event.  Running back and forth between hotels wouldn’t be a good use of time, so it’ll work better if I stay at the venue.  Then I made dinner and watched a GREAT “Magnum” episode!

Thursday the 2nd – 2 BELLY BONANZA! – I got awakened just before noon by both Roxy and Spook wanting pets.  Once I lazily awoke I started petting them both, one with each hand.  But then Roxy rolled over on her back for belly rubs.  Then Spook did the same thing. I had two hairy beasts on my bed with their bellies up wanting rubs. It was hilarious and I started the day with a laugh.  I checked e-mails and downloaded the script for a home studio session I’d be doing via phone patch. (That’s where the producers are listening in on the phone while I record the takes in my home studio)  I did the session, and then spent some time editing them for delivery to my agent, so he could pass them along to the producer.  I scanned my checks and got them ready to make a deposit.  Then I packed Roxy up in the car and we went on some errands.  I met with my assistant Sara at DuPar’s for a late lunch, and then went home to do some more work and grab a fast nap.  I met with my friend Marie for dinner later at Jerry’s Famous Deli.  When I got back I did my auditions and finished up some work around the house. I phoned Denny’s for a take-out order, picked up the food and then enjoyed a GREAT “Magnum” episode called “Little Girl Who.”

Friday the 3rd – A VERY GOOD FRIDAY! – I slept until 2 and boy did it feel good.  There wouldn’t be much going on today because of the quasi-holiday.  My maids arrived and cleaned up Planet Wallywood.  I had fully intended to go to the prayer vigil at my church around 6, and then attend the Good Friday service at 7.  But after the maids left I fell asleep on the couch with my cat Spooky and didn’t wake up until 6:40.  It was much too late for the prayer vigil and most likely too late to make the 7pm Good Friday service.  So I fed the pets, did some lazy work around the house and headed to Jersey Mike’s for a sandwich.  I ate 1⁄4 of the sandwich (they’re HUGE) while sitting in my car with the top down staring up at the gorgeous full moon.  The next Blood Moon was going to occur in 8 hours so I wanted to make sure to be awake for it so I could witness yet another one. (I saw the other 2 this past year!)  I got home and decided to start in on organizing and cleaning my garage. It was packed full of crap and I would have to sort through each and every item and decide whether to trash it, keep it and store it, or donate it to Goodwill.  I work in four hour shifts, because after that I start getting sneezy from all the dust.  But I got a LOT of stuff done and it was already looking better.  Little by little, I guess.  But I still have days more to do before it’s perfect.  The Blood Moon started around 3:05am Pacific Daylight Time, so by the time I was done in the garage, and done feeding and walking Roxy, the eclipse had started.  As I prepared for my evening TV-watching activities before bed, I stepped outside from time to time to see the progress of the Blood Moon. Fascinating!

Saturday the 4th – LAZY SATURDAY! – Mid-afternoon I got out of bed and edited the song “Mama” by Genesis. It was used in a very tense scene in a “Magnum” episode so I bought it on i-Tunes.  But at over 6 minutes long I decided it would flow better a few minutes shorter.  I met Sara for lunch at Paty’s and then picked up my talking Robin figure at my mailbox.  I stopped to get some groceries on the way home and then headed back. After I put the groceries away I put Robin in the showcase next to my talking Batman and talking Joker. I love some of the new 1966 Batman toys that are coming out.  I just wonder what took them so long.  I mean…almost 50 years later??!!  The pets were lounging on the bed so I figured I’d join them.  But of course I fell asleep with the rising full moon shining through my window. What a spectacle!  When I woke up I prepped my “Jesus” costume for the Easter Walk at church the following day.  Then I headed back to the garage to lug all of my tax returns and receipts from the past 20+ years down to my underground storage area.  I know they say you only need to keep them for 3 years, but better safe than sorry.  If someday I decide I need the space I’ll at least go down and get rid of all the receipts prior to 2010.  That should suffice.  But even though most receipts can be discarded, there are still those few that need to be kept to prove major investments…props, costumes, and other high ticket items that hold their value.  Until I can wrap my head around exactly what those are, I think I’ll leave well enough alone.  I don’t need the IRS breathing down my neck making life difficult.  I made some sloppy joe’s and watched “Magnum” before bed.

Sunday the 5th – HOPPY EASTER! – How many people can say they were awakened on Easter Sunday by John Lennon screaming?  Well, I can for one.  My i-Pod was set to wake me up at 8am so I could attend the Easter Walk at church and portray Jesus for the kids.  The Easter Walk is kind of a visual recreation of the Easter story. I’ve done it a few years in the past, and I said I’d do it again this year.  But the last song I was listening to before I turned my iPod off was “Twist and Shout” by the Beatles.  So when the i-Pod came on at 8am it was “WAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWW Shake it up baby now!”  I sprang awake in shock.  From now on I make sure I have my mellow playlist engaged before setting the alarm.  I walked over to the church with my costume in a bag, did my Jesus thing, enjoyed breakfast at church, and then walked home and did some work around the house.  I needed to be back up around 4 to get ready for evening church, so I napped until then.  I’m not traditionally a very good morning person.  Roxy and I walked to the evening Easter service and it was fabulous. Lots of great music and enthusiastic people.  I answered some e-mails, did some more work around the house, relaxed for a bit, did a few auditions, and then prepped for my new week. The “Magnum” episode I watched was the second part of a two-part story.  And it wasn’t actually a “Magnum, p.i.” episode at all.  The first part was a “Magnum” episode, but the second part (a cross-over story with the “Murder She Wrote” cast) was actually a “Murder She Wrote” episode, which thankfully was included as a bonus episode on the “Magnum, p.i.” DVD. I made some Buffalo Mac and hit the hay.

And how was YOUR week??!!